Monday, February 3, 2025


Meeeoooow, Monday!  Felt like doing a pet portrait of one of my cats.  Meet Sugus,,, he's a stray that was hanging around the yard.  Named him after the Sugus candy from 19-something, childhood memories... hahaha... His coloring and personality made me think of that candy.. cuddly and yummy!  I seem to like naming my cats after food - Pickles, Soba, Burrito, Skittles, Pawpaw, Coffee, Jams, Meiji (Japanese chocolate brand), Kewpie (the Japanese mayo, not the doll), Tori (Japanese for chicken), Charamel Torta (she's tortoiseshell cat - charcoal black with caramel drizzles, Chewie Mentos (literally chewy, been bitten 5x by him!).  Yeah, I have lots of cats, but not as many as years ago.  Currently have only 7.  They're all strays or descendants of those strays.  Have a lovely and meowy day!  

Monday, January 6, 2025

Leafy and swirly 2025

Meeeoooow, Monday!  Happy New Year!  2025, another year has begun.... Hoping to do more art and start posting more this year.  Have a lovely and meowy year!  😺